Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Bone Tipping Tool is Back

The Farthingales Bone Tipping Tool has made a comeback. It's a little different from the one in the past but still CUTS and Tips spiral and spring steel bones!

It makes custom corset making a whole lot easier on your hands and faster. We only had 12 made and 4 have already shipped to costume shops as far away as New Zealand.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

new book

I've started work on book two; a more advanced corset making book. It will include step by step directions for making different types of corsets like this one that illustrates matching lace.
The shows matching lace at center back

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WebSite Transition

We now taken down the old web site - if you go to it you SHOULD be redirected automatically. This aspect seems to be working but there are still some pages that don't. We're working on this.

However, at the moment the e-mail has not started getting forwarded despite being set up to do so. If you've sent us an e-mail since noon on May 3rd we may not have got it if the address was
Please resend to