Thursday, July 16, 2015

Corset Books

As some of you are aware, I wrote a second book after "The Basics of Corset Building". I called it "The Art of Corset Building" and  finished it about two years ago. It went off to the publisher in NY and they asked that I trim it down by over 100 pages due the expense to publish and to ship such a large book. They offered a nice advance but I could not see where to trim those pages. As a result the book is still unpublished as they agreed to let me withdraw the book.

Last summer was the planned time to create each chapter into a downloadable PDF so that each Chapter could be bought on it's own - you only buy the chapters you want or need and there is no shipping required - make the whole thing more affordable. Unfortunately last summer saw all my focus go to rebuilding my website myself (no, I'd never built a website before so it was a wee bit of a learning curve for this "getting old" brain) and it was an all consuming task that lasted until well into the fall, so this summer is now going to be dedicated to getting the chapters onto the website - yet another learning curve!

I'm teaching several classes and kids sewing camps this summer, so my time is limited, but I hope to get the first chapter up in the next week. If I succeed I'll send out an e-mail blast to announce it. I'm not starting with Chapter 1, in fact, I'm starting with Chapter 15! I chose to start with this chapter because it's not as big as some (some are around 60 pages), it's 24 pages and it's an interesting chapter that's not as much "how to make a corset" as it is a record of my journey through reproducing a vintage corset; hence the title "Reproducing a Vintage Corset"

                                                      The image below is the end result

There are 20 chapters in all and it will take a few, if not several months, to prepare and post them all. I've not yet decided if I will post the other chapters in their original order but that is a likelihood. Other chapters include "Five Ways to Put in a Busk", "All About Bone Casings", "Striped Corset", "Making a Corset Pattern using a Sloper", all the chapters on corsets give all aspects of the build and I suspect will be $10 or less.

If you're interested in hearing when the chapters come available follow us on facebook