Saturday, July 3, 2010

Corset Fashion Show

Farthingales is producing a Corset Fashion Show for the Creativ Festival, October 22nd 2010. Follow the link to find out more about this event and the many aspects of the Creativ Festival - you won't want to miss it.

This is going to be an amazing show with 30+ corsets made by over 20 people. Everyone has designed and created a unique one of kind corset. Over the next few weeks some of these corsets will be posted here on the Farthingales Corset Blog. None of the corsets are finished yet but we'll be posting pictures of the sketches and fabrics that are now in production.

This project is awesome in that it's a team project. The women involved are not competeing but supporting the process - right down to shoe swaping to make the outfits complete! We actually had a "Cinderella" situation....who ever fit the shoe got to wear the corset!

Check back each week to see more as we close the gap to October 22nd!
Look for the ribbon dress that's actually a corset, the steel corset - welded not sewn! The corset that's knit but still creates great shape, the lace corset with red bones and many more. 

You can follow the progress of one team in the Canadian magazine "A Needle Pulling Thread"

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